Monday, April 9, 2012

Hi, my name is Gina and I am a chicken addict....

Chicks outside on Easter. 

I love these chicks! And I really mean that I LOVE these chicks! It's unexplainable. I don't even understand it. I can sit and watch them for hours. All I can say is they are really something. And this little Bess, is just so sweet. My husband, guessing what is on my mind, says, 'they are not coming in the house!' Well, I don't have any plans on being Bess in our home, but who knows! And anyway, he'll be fishing do make chicken diapers....


                                                             Introducing Miss Henny Penny!

                                                                       Miss  Cinnamon

Hopefully I will get better pics of Cinnamon...OH, I'm pretty darn sure Boss Barbie is a Boss Butch...I we will see!


  1. Great pictures of the little chicks, how long until they start producing eggs?

    1. Thanks! We should start getting eggs in September or October
