Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Love a dozen!

Week 2

I knew this time was coming. The day when I would have to give up some chicks. From the get go, I was only planning on having 6 to 8 birds. But after they came home, I wanted to block that thought out. How could I give up any of them? I mean I wiped or checked each of their butts! And when they were really little, it was easy to think, 'Sure I'll keep 12, 15, maybe all of them.' But now they have doubled in size. I knew some would have to go. 

I started the difficult task of deciding who stays and who goes. I knew I wanted to keep 2 of each kind, plus my brother in law will take 2 of the americonas. Other than that, it was just by looking. I know, how shallow. It always comes down to looks! I gave three to a friend of my husband's and 10 went home with my daughter Lilly. Hopefully they all will have good homes, safe from hawk's, owls, and other meanies. 

After the thirteen chicks are gone, I start handling the chicks more. I have read that to ensure they are friendly, you have to hold them often. So now I spend a lot of time talking to, hand feeding and this is big, taking outside for field trips. Taking them outside is a total blast and they LOVE it! It really is fun watching 'Chicken TV!' Seeing them eating bugs, scratching the ground to make a dirt bath, and stealing stuff from each other's mouths, is sooo interesting! And they are figuring out who is number one..which no surprise is still Boss Barbie aka Ms. W. Also, Sandy our Lab, and Gary one of our cats, think they are a blast too! Or lunch. Introducing them to the chicks has given me a few gray hairs, but it seems to be going okay. Gary almost made contact, but I caught him in the nick of time. Pretty sure once they are bigger than pigeons, Gary won't be interested. And Sandy, she's a big chicken (sorry!). Let them give her a good peck, but no more worries.

Coming Tomorrow:

Pictures of chicks with their names.


As soon as I gave away the thirteen, I ordered 5 silkies.....I know, I know. They will be here in mid July.

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